Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'll Be Watching

Ingat ye...
Saya akan perhatikan kamu...
I know what have u done...
I've already been through what you have been through...
So, carefull...
You don't know what I really can do...
Remember, behave yourself...
Mind your words...
Saya tahu segala-galanya tentang u olls...
Just please, don't make stupid thing ahhh...
Duduk dekat-dekat jangan over sangat...
Tu je~

Friday, March 15, 2013


Kata nak berubah, kenapa still tanak berubah?
Memang typical ke kalo bergaduh kena cakap kurang ajar?
Aku kau, aku mu...
Binatang, bodoh, gila...
Please mind your words...
Kalau couple cakap macam ni, kalau dah kahwin???
Kalau bodoh still boleh ajar jadi cerdik....
Tapi kalau dah attitude, perangai kurang ajar, memang dah tak boleh ubah....
Takkan berubah...
I know....I've known many people this type...
They will never change....
So, please....think for it...take your time and think....
Fikir guna akal...bukan guna nafsu~

Friday, March 1, 2013

James Peter Smith

Here is about my Aussie friend...We have been friend since childhood..
But recently, we came to bump each other at Renaissance Hotel... is so funny because my sis didn't recognize him at first....
Then, we met!
Omaigod! He is sooo tall and big not like we were in childhood...
He is married...but still don't have kids....

So, we promise after this we will contact each other always...
And this time, we'll never lost contact again!
We have the address, facebook, email and numbers to contact and he came to Malaysia every year!
Someday, I will visit him in Aussie...Someday~

 Picture of James and my son